Friday, July 31, 2020

||Om Nama: Shivaya||

Chapter – 47 – Rudra Samhitha/Shrishti Kanda – 6

Sa Shakthir Ambika  Proktha  Prakrithi: Sakaleshwari | Thrideva Janani Nithya  Moolakaranabhithyutha || Asya  Ashtaubhujashchasanvichithra Vadhana Shubha | Yeka  Chandra Sahasrasya  Vadhane  Mashchanithyasha: || Nana Abharana Samyuktha  Nanagathi Samanvitha | Nana Ayudhadhara  Devi  Phulla Pankaja Lochana ||


Lord Bhrama speaks “Oh! Intelligent one, you have raised a brilliant question, you always seek the welfare of the people. Whoever listens or recites the Shiva Thaththva and the splendor of Lord Mahadeva would get relieved from their sins. Oh! Thatha, even I and Lord Vishnu are not conscious of the Shivathaththva, it has been highly confidential always. During the end of Mahapralaya/deluge, the sun, moon and stars disappear, eventually there will be complete darkness, and the living and non-living things undergo massive ruin, there will be only stark darkness. There will be no existence of Sparasha, Rasa, Gandha, Roopa, etc. The Veda describes the presence of Bhramam in the utter darkness, the Sath and Asath cannot be seen, it cannot be explained by words and it is beyond perception as well. The Bramham has no name or color, no specific appearance; it has neither gross nor subtle form. It is neither small nor big, and brief or vast, or expands nor squeeze. The Veda eulogizes that the Bhramam is eternal truth; it is supreme knowledge that is immeasurable, blissful, and eternal. It is beyond size, measure, or change; it is formless, void of attributes, which is perceptible to Yogis. This all-pervasive Bhramam is the cause of the Universe and its living beings. It is beyond comparison, it has neither beginning nor end, it is free of the influence of Maya, it is unblemished and pure, and it is the essence of supreme consciousness and pure knowledge. This all-pervasive Bhramam is the cause of the creation of living and non-living things. That supreme Bhramam assumes a glorious form, and perform various amusements, symbolizes fortune and auspiciousness, prowess, virtues, etc. It is all-pervasive, knower-of – all, mighty and enlightens the souls.”


Lord Bhrama continues “Oh! Vathsa, The Eshwara who has an auspicious appearance is beyond comparison and immeasurable, he is the supreme form of consciousness and has supreme brilliance,  he symbolizes highest of the knowledge, he is all-pervasive and indestructible.  The supreme Bhramam is Lord Sadhashiva, he is Eshwara who is the preceptor of the Universe. The supreme Lord Eshwara created his Shakthi also known as Pradhanaprakrithi,  Ambika, Maya,  Gunavathi, and Para. She is the Janani of  Buddhi Thaththva, and she is unblemished. The supreme Prakrithi/Shakthi, Bhavagavathi, Paramba, is the mother of the Trinities. She is the Janani of Bhrama, Vishnu and Lord Maheshwara, she is the supreme Goddess of the three worlds. She is the cause of the Universe and its living beings. Shakthi symbolizes auspiciousness, she has eight arms, she has a stunning appearance, and her face excels the luster of thousands of autumn moon. She is adorned in magnificent ornaments all over the body, she holds vicious weapons in the eight arms, and her eyes have the resemblance of fully bloomed lotus flowers. She has supreme brilliance, she creates the living and non-living things in the Universe. She is Maya of supreme Lord Eshwara, and she takes various forms according to her will.  The Paramapurusha, the supreme Lord Shiva who have three eyes, have beautiful matted hair locks adorned in a crescent moon, and Devi Ganga.  The Supreme Lord Shiva has five heads, three eyes on each face resembled Surya, Chandra, and Agni, he has pleasing look, holds a powerful trident, he has fair complexion resembles the luster of camphor, smeared in sacred ashes all over the body.  The Parambhrama resembles the ‘Kala’/time as well, with the inseparable association of Shakthi built a shrine known as the supreme abode of Shivaloka. The sacred place Kashi on the Earth is considered as superior, which provides salvation to Jeeva.  It is the place where the primordial deities Lord Shiva and Shakthi lives permanently, perform various amusements, and live in supreme bliss. Therefore the city of Kashi is called Avimukthakshethra, the Shiva and Shakthi are inseparable and will not get separated even at the time of the deluge. Previously, this sacred place of Kashi was named Anandavana, by Lord Shiva who is Pinakindhari, later it came to know as Avirmukthakshethra. Oh! Narada, Lord Shiva, and Shakthi were blissfully roaming in the sacred city, desired to have somebody to look after the creation and preservation of the Universe so that they can undertake Vairagya. Thus, Lord Vishnu was created out of the Saththvik nature of that supreme Lord Sadhashiva. Lord Vishnu who the complexion of dark clouds, has four arms holding Shakha, Chakra, Gadha, and the Padma, attired in majestic yellow silk garment, adorned in marvelous ornaments all over the body, appeared before Shiva and spoke passionately “Oh! Prabho, kindly name me and describe my duties”   Lord Shiva was pleased and pronounced “You will be known as the all-pervasive Vishnu, will be known in several names by your devotees, carryout Tapas to attain eminence in the assigned task.” Thus, Lord Vishnu offered salutation to Lord Shiva and went to conduct Tapas.  Thus Lord Vishnu conducted Tapas for twelve thousand years, did not attain the grace of Lord, and further contemplated upon Lord Shiva.   Finally, Lord Shiva advised Lord Vishnu to conduct Tapas for another few years, achieved the knowledge of Bhrama Thaththva. The influence of Maya caused to appear several watercourses form the body of Lord Shiva and shortly all those watercourses disappeared and appeared as Shunya/Bhramam, the mere touch of that Bhramam would destroy all the sins. Lord Vishnu, who is none other than Purusha and Prakrithi, reclined on the Serpent Anantha in the ocean, due to extreme fatigue of long Tapas, he is eulogized as Narayana by the Veda. The Mahath Thaththvas, Trigunas and the five essential elements known as Agni, Vayu, Akash, Jalam, and Bhoomi, was appeared from the Prakrithi.  Oh! Rishi Saththama, I have narrated all those twenty-four Prakrithi Thathtthva to you. The Supreme Lord Vishnu who is Purusha accepted all those Thaththva, reclined on the serpent Anantha.”