Thursday, August 6, 2020

|| Om Nama: Shivaya ||

Chapter – 50 – Rudra Samhitha/Shrishti Kanda – 9

Panchavakthra Thrinayano  Phalachandro Jatadhara: | Gauravarnno Vishalakshno Bhasmodhoolitha Vigraha: ||

Lord Bhrama speaks “ Lord Shiva who has five faces, has three eyes represents Soma, Surya, and Agni, has a fair complexion, attired in the skin of a leopard, smeared in sacred ashes, adorned in Rudraksha and serpents, adorned in a crescent moon and Goddess Ganga on matted hair locks, along with Goddess Parvathi highly pleased with the praise of Lord Vishnu. The Supreme Lord shiva who has ten arms, bluish throat, adorned in various ornaments, and beautiful Tripundra on the forehead. Lord Vishnu continued to praise that mighty Lord Shiva along with Goddess Parvathi. The compassionate Lord Shiva offered the four Veda from his breath, and later it was passed on to me by Lord Vishnu. Thus, Lord Vishnu after receiving the four Vedas from Lord Shiva offered humble salutation and spoke passionately “Oh! Prabho, How do you get pleased with the devotees? How did the worship should be carried out and contemplate upon you? Oh! Mahadeva, kindly advice me, Oh! Shankara, kindly enlighten us, we are pleased to follow your command. Oh! Prabho, Oh! Shiva, kindly advise us, you are the supreme Lord.”


Lord Bhrama continues “ Oh! Vathsa, that compassionate Lord Mahadeva, advised us to continue the worship of the Linga with sincere devotion.  The worship of Linga provides all the piousness and fulfills the desires of the worshiper. Lord Mahadeva advised us the worship of  Linga would remove all kinds of miseries. Oh! Mune, myself, and Vishnu are born from Prakrithi of that supreme Lord, initiated from the right and left side of that supreme Lord, he is Sarveshwara. Thus, Lord Parameshwara was immensely pleased with our devotion and expressed his willingness to provide boons. He advised us to construct Parththiva Shivalinga and conduct the worship, which could provide all the pleasures. The supreme Lord Mahadeva instructed me to begin the creation of the Universe and its living beings and Lord Vishnu would preserve the creation of mine. Oh! Vathsa, in this way, that supreme Lord enlightened us the highly propitious worship of Linga/Nirgunaswaroopa of that Lord.”


Lord Vishnu speaks “Oh! Prabho, if you are highly pleased with us, kindly give us a boon, to have intense devotion at your lotus feet. Oh! Prabho, you have been compassionate to us, revealed your Sagunaswaroopa as well. Oh! Prabho, you are formless/Nirguna Bramham and you have shown kindness to us. Oh! Devadevesha, the fierce battle with me and Lord Bhrama brought a good result, thereby we have achieved the grace of you.” 

Lord Bhrama speaks "We both stood with folded hands before the supreme Lord Shiva along with Goddess Parvathi."


Lord Mahesha speaks “Oh! Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu, even though I am formless, Parambhramam, impassionate, and supreme bliss, I perform the creation of the Universe and its living beings, preserve it, and destroys it at the end of Kalpa. Oh! Mithra, I am that Lord Bhrama, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Maheshwara, and performs the function of creation, preservation, and destruction respectively. Hence I am absolute Bramham. Oh! Lord Vishnu you have eulogized me with the prayer for the self-protection from the battlefield, I am beloved of my devotees. There is no difference between Lord Shiva and Lord Rudra, both are my aspects, like the precious metals used to create exquisite ornaments of various types, but the aspect of gold remains the same. The clay used to make different models of the pots, but the aspect of the clay remains the same. Oh! Bhrama and Oh! Vishnu, the learned people always remember the all-pervasive nature of mine, it would not causes any conflicts. Lord Shiva is all-pervasive, eternal truth is supreme wisdom, and endless. You both have formed out of the Prakrithi, except Rudra, I am self-manifested; Rudra represents Ahamkara of mine, not the Tamas. You both will undertake the function of creation and preservation respectively; I would perform the function of deluge as Rudra, and Goddess Uma is  Prakrithi. The Shakthi born out of Prakrithi will be known as the goddess of excellence of speech and Goddess of wealth; they would serve Lord Bhrama and Lord Vishnu respectively, another form of Shakthi is Kali who serves Rudra. She would assume various forms in the Universe to perform several tasks. Oh! Bhrama and Oh! Vishnu I have explained about the ‘Trishakthi’ who are highly auspicious serves three of us, and these ‘Trishakthi’ contributes an abundance of help in the creation, preservation, and destruction. These Goddesses of excellence of speech and Goddess of wealth are initiated from Prakrithi. Oh! Bhrama you can begin the function of creation with the knowledge acquired from Veda, and Lord Vishnu would preserve them. I reside in the heart of Vishnu and vice versa. You both have emerged out of my right and left part of the limb, therefore there is no difference between us. Rudra who was born out of my heart, I represent three aspects of Bhrama, Vishnu, and Bhava, and perform the functions of creation, preservation, and destruction with the Trigunas/Rajasik, Sathvik, and Tamasik. Lord Shiva has the Trigunas therefore he is beyond Purusha and Prakrithi. I am the supreme Lord, endless, flawless, and pure. Hari  is the protector of the Universe, with the Sathvik nature and Hara is the destroyer of the Universe at the end of Kalpa with the Tamasic nature. Bhrama possesses Rajoguna and creates the Universe and its living beings. Therefore the Trinities possessed ‘Triguna’ except Shiva. Lord Vishnu will be worshiped in the three worlds, and Rudra who is the incarnation of Shiva will be worshiped by Bhrama and Lord Vishnu. The lotus born  Bhrama would be known as Pithamaha.”