Tuesday, August 4, 2020

||Om Nama: Shivaya||


Chapter – 49 – Rudra Samhitha/Shrishti Kanda – 8

Panchavakthram Dhashabhujam Gaura Karpooravan Mune | Nana Kanthisamayuktham  Nana Bhooshana  Bhooshitham ||MahodharamMahaveeryam Mahapurusha Lakshanam | Tham Dhrishtva Paramamroopam Kritharththoayambhoonmaya Hari: ||


Lord Bhrama speaks “Oh! Munishreshta, I, and Lord Vishnu continued the worship of the pillar of flame for several years; eventually, our pride got washed away. The Supreme Lord Shiva, who is merciful, removes the impurities and pride of Jeeva, and the protector of the Universe and its living beings rose from the pillar of flame with the utterance of ‘Om, Om’. We were extremely happy, forgot all the enmities between us. The deities surprised to hear the reverberating sound of ‘Om’ in the atmosphere, witnessed the supreme Lord Shiva who is Sanathana, on the right of the Linga, there were the sacred syllables of Akara, Ukara and Makara appeared, the supreme Bhramam which is the ultimate asylum, pure and unblemished, free from changes, has neither beginning nor end, the eternal truth, and supreme bliss. The sounds of Vedic chants reverberated in the atmosphere; a Sage appeared before me and Lord Vishnu and introduced the Shabdhabhramam to us, which is the supreme Lord Mahadeva who is Parambhramam. The supreme Lord Rudra is free from afflictions, adorned with the sacred syllable ‘Om’, he is Paramakarana who is the supreme cause of the Universe and its living beings, he represents Sathyam, Anandham, Amrutham as well. He is Parathpara, the Akara represents Lord Bhrama who is the creator, and the Ukara represents Lord Vishnu who is the ultimate cause for the Universe and preserves it. The Makara represents Lord Shiva who is all-pervasive, graceful, and benevolent.  The Akara is originated from the Hariyoni, Pradhanapurushewara came into existence with the instruction of Lord Shiva. The seed in the Hariryoni ‘Ukara’ turned into golden Egg which is beyond perception, remained in the water for several thousands of years, eventually, it was broken and the four-faced Bhrama emerged out of it. Lord Shiva represents the trinities, Bhrama, Vishnu and Shiva who undertakes the functions of creation, preservation, and the destruction of the Universe, and the Rig, Yajur, Sama Veda addressed it as ‘Om’. Thus, all the deities realized the supremacy of Lord Shiva and eulogized him.”



Lord Bhrama continues “Oh! Vathsa, Oh! Mune, in the meantime, Lord Vishnu who is Vishwapalaka saw a magnificent Maha Purusha with five faces, charming appearance, ten arms, has fair complexion resembles camphor, has supreme radiance, adorned in various precious ornaments. He has great prowess, benevolent, has all those divine symbols of supreme Purusha, we both were extremely blissful watching the mesmerizing form of Lord Mahadeva.” 


The ‘अ’Akara represents his head,  आ’  Aakara represents his forehead, ‘इ’ Ekara represents his right eye, ‘ ई’ Eekara represents the left eye, the ‘उ’ U and ‘ऊ’ Uu represents right and left ears, ‘ऋ’ Ri and ‘ऋ’ Rii right and left cheeks, the nostrils represent ‘लृ’  ‘lir and ‘ल्रु’  liru’, the upper and lower lips represent ‘ए’‘Ye and ‘ऎ’ Yee’, the upper and lower line of teeth represents ‘ओ’  ‘Okara, ‘ ’ Aukara, and the palates represent ‘अं’ Am and Aha ‘:’.  The five right hands represent ‘, , , , …’, the five left hands represents ‘ ज ..’


‘Tha’ stands for the legs, ‘ Pa’ represents belly, ‘Pha’ represents the right part of the body, ‘ba’ represents left part of the body, ‘bha’ represents shoulders, and the sacred syllable ‘Ma’ represents Heart of that supreme Lord Mahadeva. The letters ‘Ya, Ra, La, Va, Zha, Sha, and Sa represents seven Dhathu, ‘ha’ represents navel, and ‘Ksha’ represents nose.


Lord Bhrama continues “Oh! Mune, we could witness that marvelous Sagunaswaroopa of the supreme Lord Mahadeva with Goddess Parvathi, the sacred syllables embedded on them, watching them we transported to the state of transcendental. We offered humble salutation to that supreme Lord who has Saguna as well as Nirgunaswaroopa, the essence of Shabdha Bhramam and stood contemplating upon him. The thirty-eight sacred syllables and Omkara provides intelligence, Dharma, Artha same as the Gayathri Manthra which comprises twenty-four syllables. Lord Vishnu secured these highly auspicious Mrithyunjaya Manthra, Panchakshara Manthra, Chinthamani Manthra, Dhakshinamurthi Manthra, and the Thaththvamasi Manthra which is the Mahavakya of supreme Lord Mahadeva, for the performance of recitation and rites. The Rig, Yajur, Sama represents the supreme Lord Mahadeva who is Puranapurusha, all-pervasive Sadhashiva, who is pleasant. The Vamapadha Mahadeva is adorned in serpents all over the body, whose arms, feet, hair, and eyes spread all over directions. Oh! Vathsa, the creator, preserver, and destroyer, are none other than Supreme Lord Mahadeva, who carries out the above functions as Lord Bhrama, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva respectively.”